Tag George Saoulidis

Get HaremLit Art and Stories on the St. Patrick’s Sale

A pinup of Gorgocutie. I kept teasing her that St. Patrick will drive her snakes away. She got drunk during the shoot, but she’ll never admit it. As a special St. Patrick’s Day Promo you can get this picture on… Continue Reading →

Get Artwork and HaremLit Stories on a Winter Sale

There’s a sale until 27th of January on the Artstation marketplace. You can find the following products for 50% off: Bundle of Gorgocutie Artwork Bundle of Tushy Reaper Stories (eBooks and 3D Artwork) Bundle of Pickle Pie, Cherry Pie and… Continue Reading →

New Harem GameLit Countdown Deals: Tank Girls and Bronze Girls

We have two stories on a countdown deal on Amazon. Grab them while you can! COM and UK only, here are the links: Bronze Girls: Dory 1 Amazon COM Amazon UK Tank Girls: Platina 2 Amazon COM Amazon UK Find… Continue Reading →

New Harem GameLit Preorder: Wardruid

When life in his family grove becomes too boring to bear, a young druid decides to explore the exciting world of humans. But will he manage to stay away from his immortal home, when his betrothed is waiting back there… Continue Reading →

Get the Christmas Cyberpink Bundle!

Blood Runs Pink Rollerball meets GLOW in this bloody mess of a sport story. When a bankrupt armourer ends up owning a second-rate jugger player, he decides to go for it. But will he manage to even turn a profit, when he knows… Continue Reading →

Get the Tushy Reaper Bundle on Christmas Sale

Dead GorgeousWhen a professional dronehunter dies from an electrocution accident, he meets his Reaper face to face. Turns out she’s quite cute, inexperienced and has a magnificent tushy. To both their surprise he doesn’t really die that day, so they… Continue Reading →

Free Harem GameLit Available on All Bookstores: Tushy Reaper

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Dead Gorgeous When a professional dronehunter dies from an electrocution accident, he meets his Reaper face to face. Turns out she’s quite cute, inexperienced and has a magnificent tushy. To both their surprise he doesn’t really die that day, so… Continue Reading →

Harem Audiobook Now Available On Bandcamp and Many Stores: Cherry Pie

This is a digitally narrated audiobook. Pop My CherryRollerball meets GLOW in this bloody mess of a sport story. Hector has formed his team and is now the proud owner of two Cyberpink athletes. He still has no clue what… Continue Reading →

New Harem Countdown Deal: Midas Online

When a simple goldfarmer stumbles on the map of the last unclaimed piece of land, he decides to finally attempt his dream and become a Midas. But will he manage to reach the mythical Antidorado and transmute it into gold… Continue Reading →

New Harem GameLit Release: Parasite Girls: Akakia

When an innocent student gets infected with a parasite from outer space, she struggles with accepting her new reality. Will she manage to keep on living her life with her roommates and her university, when her sex drive is going… Continue Reading →

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