Conner Elliot has always had a bit of a “do-gooder” streak in him. He never knows when to leave well enough alone. When he sees an old man getting mugged, he steps in and does what he can. The bruises that follow make him question his life choices yet again.

Thankful for the assistance, the strange Old Man with a flare for the dramatic extends a bizarre offer: he claims to be a champion storyteller, and offers to lead Conner’s gaming group through the best RPG gaming night they’ve ever had. Needing the release, Conner accepts. The group had already decided to show up for the game in COSPLAY, and he hopes having it run by a strange ‘mystic bard’ will make the Halloween gaming night even more memorable.

But the Old Man had a plan to show Conner the value of his heroic side. Even if he had to introduce them to a whole new world in order to do it…

* Warning *

This book contains scenes of Fantasy Horror, intense action sequences, and detailed, lovely accounts of sex with harem elements. For the entertainment of Adult Audiences only!

For the Horror Halloween Enthusiasts: This book is more Fun Halloween that outright terrifying like most horror films!
For the Fun Halloween Enthusiasts: But, you know, there are still ghost, zombies, and demons lurking about! Not for the feint of heart.

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